Since I was a little boy I was in love with cars. When I was around 2 or 3 years old, I called BMWs "Dad-car", because my father drove one. Even when I was that young I was able to distinguish between cars. I started "reading" car magazines and learn everything about cars. When I was in 1st grade, my mother walked me to school and I lectured about cars.
I haven't changed since then. By now I actually know how to read and not just look at the pictures, so I know even more about cars. I went about 3 times to the IAA 2007, the International Automobile Fair in Frankfurt. I'm going there since 1997, I think. There passes no day without me looking at the different websites about cars to read about every news.
In Germany there are no speed restricitions on half of the motorways and my father likes to go fast, so I got addicted to high speeds really quickly. I sat in the middle seat in the back of our BMW 540i Touring (E39) with 286 bhp and observed the happenings. It was like I was driving the car myself. Then we changed the car to a 530d Touring (E39), which was still going fast, but not as fast as the old one. My father drives Z3 too and sometimes we just go for a ride on a sunny Sunday afternoon.
I am especially addicted to fast sportscars. I like motorsports and it is my dream to participate in the 24h race on the famous Nürburgring.
When the CO2 discussion came up my favourite things, cars, were threatened. Everything would change and I possibly would never hear the sound of a nice V8 again. I couldn't believe that, so I started to inform myself and found out that there are not just the scientists who say that CO2 is causing Global Warming, but there are some who say, there is not connection between CO2 and rising temperatures. Of course, I believe the latter.
I have nothing against new developments on the way to make us independant of oil, that will run out in the next century(ies), but not with the backround of Global Warming. The situation at the moment is hysteric. Everyone searches for a solution for all our probems as soon as possible to "save the earth." I think that's ridiculous. Much money is spent, probably for nothing. Some industries are just glad, because they earn much money with "earth saving" technologies.
I think everbody should calm down and be objective and I won't believe in man made Global Warming untill somebody gives me a legitimate explanation.
Personal Background
16 years ago
Great posts,you've mentioned that the most essential reason for you choosing this topic is because you love cars. However, many of the types of car you admire really do have heavy C02 emissions,especially sportscars. So, I'm wondering that if you have let your personal feeling affect your judgement since CO2 issue indeed is threatening the traditional cars. The faster a car can go, the more carbon dioxide it burns. This is the greatest threat to cars. Since you choose the topic because of your love to cars.I'm a bit "worried" about whether you can make a fair judgement or not.
I loved your description of being a little boy riding in your father's car while he speeds along the Autobahn. It reminded me of some of my favourite car rides. When I was little my mom had an old broken down Austin Mini that had a big hole in the floor. I used to love to watch the pavement zip by below me. I also loved watching the hydro poles pass and my eye would follow the wire as it dipped and rose between poles.
Even today I love driving, especially on a sunny summer day. There is simply NOTHING like driving fast on a twisty country road, listening to the stereo and having the wind blow your hair. It's on my top ten list of favourite experiences.
However, I tend to agree with Alex that maybe your love of cars has blinded you to their potential harm. Perhaps you will become an Engineer and you will invent the world's first hydrogen sports car and you will complete (and win) your 24-hour race with zero emissions!
Fred, in this case I'm completely agree with you. Remember that conversation in the class? I think, that the temperature is just increasing by itself and there is nothing wrong with it. During the time of the dinosaurs the temperature was much hotter than now and etc.
About cars..yea, I always see you on some webpage about cars or watching Top Gear. I was exactly like this about 3 years ago. After the stopped showing Top Gear on sunday mornings I kind of lost the interest, realized that there are some better things to do instead of looking at cars. But I can't wait until I can drive my own car and listen to its burnout!
PS no matter what happens V8 will always be in our hearts)
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